Rushing Pi Alpha Phi
What is Rush?
Rush is the chance for individuals to meet the brothers and learn about the fraternity. During the beginning of each semester, the brothers will hold a “rush week” that will be a series of events that anyone can attend. These events are 100% free and do not hold any obligations by attending.
What happens after Rush?
If a rushee attends enough events during this period, the brothers will convene and determine potential candidates to receive a bid, a formal invitation to be a member of the fraternity, and move on to the next part of the process. Once a bid has been accepted, the new member will participate in the new member education process where they learn a more detailed history of the fraternity, the five pillars, as well as build leadership and teamwork skills along the way.
Why rush Pi Alpha Phi?
Pi Alpha Phi is the first Asian-American interest fraternity in the nation, and by joining the brotherhood you can represent the Asian-American community and the values you share with the fraternity. By joining Pi Alpha Phi, you will have the opportunity to advance your professional and social life throughout our brothers all across the nation. Everywhere you go, you will have access an extensive network of brothers and alumni.